Solar & Lunar Eclipse
On October 25 we passed the solar eclipse and now on 8 November we will be again facing the lunar eclipse. This is the time of creation. These are important two weeks for everyone to create their future.
According to many astrologers all events that will be done in this time period between (25 October to November 8) will set the footprint for next 15 years of each individual life.
It means in this coming two weeks you will be programming your future.
Energetically and emotionally this time is difficult and unfavorable for many external activities. Many people can face emotional instabilities, mood swings, distractions, procrastination, and there are also chances that many will take wrong decisions and even loose. But those who will choose to live consciously during this eclipse corridor there is an opportunity to change their life for better, to reach new heights, but those who will choose ignorance and manipulate by their emotions will create sorrow for themselves.
This two weeks are very crucial for Manifestation through combined three actions- mental, vocal and physical.
So now in these two weeks, be conscious about all your three actions. Be thoughtful and act. Think before you decide something or spend your money, energy, and time. Because whatever you will act will not only affect you but the people around you as well.
Doing pranayama and meditation to channelize your energy and to be more alert. You sow a thought you reap an action, you sow an action you reap a habit, you sow a habit you reap a behavior.
Start pranayama and control your energy and use consciously.