Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon

They come in all forms:  Family including in laws, extended family, friends, peer, boss, members of groups etc.

Jealousy can play a major role in relationships.  Sometimes it is very naturally seen and sometimes one may not be aware of being surrounded with jealous people.  It may not be obvious.   Such people do not want to grow, work on themselves and their skills and at the same time they will try to pull talented people & their ideas down.  They will keep passing caustic and sarcastic remarks. They may influence others against such talented people, feeding wrong information, spreading lies and plant hatred in others’ mind.   They may not allow others to prosper and grow.   If they are influential also, they will threaten others who may support talented people.   They may oppose each and every sentence that these talented people speak.  Sometimes they will praise something about you which is non-threatening to them.   Behind your back, they will copy your ideas.  They will never acknowledge you and your talents and still will be hovering around you so that they can get ideas from you. They will give dirty glances as they think great of themselves.   They will never introduce talented people in their circle of friends as they are so insecure.  They may project as they are suffering and garner support of other family members, friends etc and try to isolate talented people. They are selfish. They may not share anything with others.  They will illtreat/mistreat you.

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