They come in all forms: Family including in laws, extended family, friends, peer, boss, members of groups etc. Jealousy can play a major role in relationships. Sometimes it is very naturally seen and sometimes one may not be aware of…
Change is within our control. NLP has great tools and techniques to facilitate change and move one from unresourceful state to resourceful state.
Relationships can uplift us or may be a good reason for our downfall in life. Whoever is there in our life, we are destined to have them as we have karmic connection with them. How to protect ourselves from toxic…
Compassionate Communication will enhance the dynamics of any conversation, even with strangers.They can stimulate deep Empathy and Trust in Listeners brin. Ideal for interrupting negative thought patterns, which if left unchecked can damage your Brain’s Emotional Regulation Circuits.
Celebrating Navarthri devoted to the Godess of Shakti & Strength. How about pouring out your emotional issues ?